Paul Gadzikowski

King Arthur in Time and Space

Imaginary screen canon timeline

King Arthur in Time and Space Timeline

Part Five: 1975-1979
King Arthur in
Time and Space

King Arthur in
Time and Space

screen canon
King Arthur
source legends
1975 On M*A*S*H Colonel Blake is discharged and shot down on his way home and replaced as C.O. by regular army Colonel Potter. Trapper John is discharged and is replaced by B.J. On H*O*R*S*E Achilles' bunkmate Hector is transferred out of the unit and is replaced by another Trojan, Aeneas. In The Iliad Hector is killed in battle by Achilles in a duel between the two sides' champions.
In The Aeneid Aeneas is a Trojan prince and the son of the goddess Aphrodite.
1976 In The Deadly Assassin
before going back to Gallifrey to defeat the Master's latest plot against the Time Lords, the Doctor strands his latest girl companion in her own place and time.
In The Deadly Assassin
while on Avalon defeating Morgan le Fey's latest plot against the sorcerors, Merlin realizes his feelings for Nimue are more than mentor-apprentice and, failing to realize the feelings are mutual, strands her on Avalon when the adventure is over.
1977 In The Face of Evil
the Doctor picks up a new traveling companion, a savage from a lost colony during the height of the human space empire, named Leela.
In The Face of Evil
Merlin picks up a new traveling companion, a savage British queen from the height of the Roman space empire, named Boadecia.
Boadecia was a British queen during the Roman occupation who rebelled against Rome in response to violations by the occupying force.
STAR WARS - A NEW HOPE: Young Luke Skywalker joins his father's friend and fellow Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi in foiling the schemes of evil Lord Darth Vader of the interstellar Empire. In Time Travel and Free Will
the Doctor assists history by assisting Ben Kenobi in being in the right place at the right time.
In Time Travel and Free Will
Merlin assists history by assisting Osiris in being in the right place at the right time.
PYRAMID WARS - A NEW HOPE: Young Horus joins his father's friend and fellow Ennead Knight Osiris in foiling the schemes of evil King Set of the Egyptian star empire. To become king of the Egyptian gods Set killed his brother Osiris and dismembered him. Their sister and Osiris's wife Isis reassembled and revived him, having found all the pieces but one, but that was all right because Isis had already given birth to their son Horus.
In Reach Out and Kill Someone
Kirk is assisted by the Doctor, Leela and the Doctor's robot dog K-9 in quelling a war between two planets' long-distance phone companies.
In Reach Out and Kill Someone
Arthur is assisted by Merlin, Boadecia and Merlin's robot pet PIG in quelling a war between two planets' long-distance phone companies.
On M*A*S*H Frank is sent home and replaced by Charles. Radar takes some leave to sow wild oats on advice of Hawkeye and comes back to the unit as a patient. On H*O*R*S*E Patroclus takes some leave to sow wild oats on advice of Achilles and comes back to the unit as a patient. He dies and is replaced as company clerk by Philoctetes. In The Iliad Patrolcus goes into battle bearing Achilles' weapons and armor and is killed by Hector.
1978 In The Invasion of Time
the Doctor seems to be plotting against Gallifrey and Borusa, a former teacher of the Doctor, now acting Lord President of the Time Lord High Council. When the Doctor's supposed allies are defeated, Leela elects to remain on Gallifrey to marry.
In The Invasion of Time
Merlin seems to be plotting against Avalon and Nimue - now Lady of the Lake, leader of the sorcerors' High Council - enlists Lancelot's aid, calling him reluctantly out of his self-imposed exile from Camelot and from the Excalibur. When Merlin's supposed allies are defeated and Boadecia elects to remain on Avalon to marry, Nimue leaves Avalon in the CAVE with him.
Nimue is Lady of the Lake when Merlin becomes besotten with her. Lancelot was Nimue's foster child (hence Lancelot du Lac) and in some sources is recruited by her to ward off Merlin's affections.
1979 TRAPPER JOHN MD: Trapper John, now chief of surgery of San Francisco General Hospital, takes on a Viet Nam MASH vet named Gonzo. Years later when Gonzo has a stroke he is replaced on staff by Trapper John's son J.T. AENEAS PHI BETA KAPPA: Aeneas, Trojan veteran of the HORSE opens a hospital on an obscure planet in Latin space called Rome. Among his doctors is his son Ascanius. In The Aeneid Aeneas and Ascanius escape the sack of Troy and voyage to Italy where they found the society which becomes the Roman empire.
On M*A*S*H Radar leaves the unit on a hardship discharge. He is replaced as company clerk by Klinger.
In STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE, with Federation space threatened by a space cloud, Kirk abandons the admiralty and seizes command of the Enterprise from Captain Decker. Ilia, an old flame of Decker's, is assigned as navigator. Spock senses the innocence he craves in the cloud and returns to the Enterprise. Ilia is possessed by the cloud, which turns out to be an artificial intelligence calling itself V'Ger. Spock mindmelds with V'Ger and experiences an epiphany. Decker physically melds with Ilia/V'Ger and the communal creature ascends to a higher plane. Spock resumes his duties on Enterprise. In KING ARTHUR IN TIME AND SPACE: THE MOTION PICTURE, with British space threatened by a space cloud, Arthur abandons the throne and seizes command of the Excalibur from Tristram. Isolde is assigned as navigator. Lancelot senses the innocence he craves in the cloud and returns to the Excalibur. Isolde is possessed by the cloud, which turns out to be an artificial intelligence calling itself Badon. Lancelot mindmelds with Badon and experiences an epiphany. Tristram physically melds with Isolde/Badon and the communal creature ascends to a higher plane. Lancelot resumes his duties on Excalibur and his affair with Guenevere. Arthur's decisive defeat of the Saxons invading Britain from the mainland occurred at Badon Hill.

Tristram and Isolde's affair ends when her husband Mark kills Tristram while he serenades her.

In The Yellow Age
Kirk discovers the Doctor working under cover in a planet where tabloid journalism is on the brink of destroying the world.
In The Yellow Age
Arthur discovers Merlin working under cover in a planet where tabloid journalism is on the brink of destroying the world.
In BLAKE'S 7 a convict, falsely convicted of child molestation after discovering government corruption, discovers a fantastic alien ship he names Liberator and with six comrades works to overthrow the corrupt interplanetary Federation. The show runs for four years, two after the actor playing Blake leaves the series. In MACSEN'S 7 the emperor of Rome, deposed during his extended stay in Welsh space, discovers a fantastic alien ship he names Prwden and with six comrades works to overthrow the corrupt Empire. The show runs for four years, two after the actor playing Macsen leaves the series. The Emperor Maximus, or Macsen, fell in love with a Welsh girl but had to return to Rome to quell insurrection. He was killed, or he was successful and returned to Wales.

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